As at 2012, 32million of the estimated 166
million people in Nigeria were unemployed. So yes, unemployment is high, but you
should not see yourself as “unemployed”. You are a highly
employable person who is merely in a temporary state of transition. I say re-evaluate your
goals, improve your skills, develop yourself,
re-crafted your CV, extended your searchlight, always put your best foot forward,
maintain a positive attitude always and that job will be yours.
book consists of thirteen chapters, all of which addresses the problems of unemployment
as it affects Nigerians and provides insights into navigating the rocky terrain
of the Nigerian Job market.
THE JOB SEEKERS’ CREED™ is more than just a book;
it is a compendium of first-hand experience and many hours of comprehensive
research about finding gainful employment in Nigeria. It is a chronicle to help
you format, fast track and fulfil your career plans.
Chapters that make up THE JOB
•Unemployment: An
•Why do you need
a job?
•Trends in the
Nigerian job market
•Desperate times,
desperate measures
•Before start
your job search
•Job search tools
job interviews in Nigeria
•Guerrilla job
•Things that can
negatively impact your Job Search
•Coping with the
challenges of a protracted job search
•Fulfil your ‘campaign’ promises.
•Fulfil your ‘campaign’ promises.
For general enquiries or
purchase information, sms 08023870272 or call 08098870272 or email

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